IT security services

Here at “Mediafon Technology”, we believe that the issue of IT systems security should be one of the priority activities in each company. To meet this need, we offer the following security package services:

  • SOC (Security Operation Center) – centralized monitoring of status and events in IT systems (O365, antivirus, firewall, etc.) and competent reaction to suspicious matters. We offer an independent SOC service, which includes the alignment of security requirements according to current best practices, system monitoring, and ongoing maintenance.


  • XDR (Extended Detection and Response). Widely used antivirus (AV) programs have entered a new stage of maturity – XDR. It is a continuous analysis of information to detect malicious software and human actions in workplaces and to limit them by minimizing damage. We offer an XDR solution as a service (tool selection, installation, and follow-up maintenance) that meets the customer’s needs.


  • Remote backups (Offsite Backup) are a well-known backup practice. Its “3-2-1” principle recommends having three copies of data: two in your infrastructure and one in a remote infrastructure. We are ready to take care of the customer’s point “1” and ensure data copying to a remote location as required. This service consists of installing a remote backup solution, monitoring, and periodic continuous resets. Also, we are ready to check the integrity of the data and the operation of the procedure itself.
SOC IT saugumo paslaugos

Got interested? Contact us!